Past Conferences
20.02.2015. 10:00 Hotel Metropol Palace, Belgrade
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15.05.2014. 17:30 Hotel Hyatt, Beograd
Connections for Actions - Germany & Serbia 2014
read moreLEGAL FRAMEWORK AND SAFETY FOR NEW INVESTMENTS The state of the legal system and the level of legal safety are some of major preconditions for new investments. Having this in mind, Business Info Group, together with German -Serbian Business Association, is organising a panel discussion on 15 May 2014, in Hyatt Hotel, Belgrade, focusing on major issues regarding the improvement of business envi...
03.12.2013. 18:30 Hotel Metropol Palace, Belgrade
New Economy - Vision 2014
read moreSerbian Minister of Economy Sasa Radulovic stated late on Tuesday that the Serbian government is determined to conduct the necessary reforms to improve the situation in the economy sector, adding that citizens will feel the real betterment brought about by the economic measures in 2015. At a business meeting entitled "New Economy- Vision 2014", Radulovic said that the credibility of the govern...
08.11.2013. 9:00 Hotel Hyatt, Belgrade
Regional Summit Of Governors Bankers And Businessmen
read moreCentral bank governors from Southeastern Europe agreed at a meeting in Belgrade on Friday that the greatest problems of the banking sectors in the region were the drop in credit activity and the high level of problematic loans. Governer of the central bank of Bosnia-Herzegovina Kemal Kozaric said at the international summit of governors, bankers and businessmen of the region that all the count...
29.10.2013. 10:00 Hotel Metropol Palace, Belgrade
Third Summit Of Mayors, Municipal Presidents And Businessmen
read moreManji budžet Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja Budžet ministarstva regionalnog razvoja i lokalne samouprave neće biti veći od šest milijardi dinara za 2014. godinu, a to će otežati mogućnost pomaganja opštinama i gradovima, ocenio je resorni ministar Igor Mirović. Na današnjem, trećem samitu gradonačelnika, predsednika opština i privrednika, Mirović je kazao da će iz budžeta ministarstva 500 m...
18.10.2013. 10:00 hotel Metropol Palace, Belgrade
Sustainable Energy Development In South East Europe
read moreBudžetski fond za energetsku efikasnost počeće da funkcioniše naredne godine, ali će imati manje od prvobitno planiranih 1,5 milijardi dinara, izjavio je danas pomoćnik ministra energetike Srbije Dejan Trifunović. On je na skupu Razvoj održive energije u jugoistočnoj Evropi, koju je organizovala Bizni Info Grupa, kazao da će iz Fonda u 2013. godini dve trećine novca biti namenjene projektima p...
27.06.2013. 10:00 Hotel Metropol, Beograd
Serbia towards the EU - Influence on the economy
read moreThis conference is aimed at gathering all relevant decision makers and most important business leaders in Serbia along with the representatives of the Serbian Government, local self-governments, domestic and foreign corporate sector in order to initiate the discussion regarding the importance of investments and innovation in Serbian economy considering its striving towards the EU.
01.03.2013. 11:00 Hotel Hyatt, Belgrade
Fourth annual regional conference - GREEN ECONOMY - Environmental protection - The challenge for Serbia and the region
read moreThis year, fourth annual conference "Green economy” for the first time will gather representatives of the Governments from region, and like always representatives of green business, so as the representatives of the European Union, Serbian Government, international institutions, and business associations. This Conference will be an opportunity to exchange experiences, put out new proposals and t...
26.02.2013. 11:00 Belgrade
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27.11.2012. 9:30 Belgrade
Second Summit of Mayors and businessmen
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22.11.2012. 11:00 Belgrade
XV economic and political forum
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02.11.2012. 10:00
Financial system and the economy
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19.10.2012. 10:00 Belgrade
Energy routes in the region and the use of renewable
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05.10.2012. 11:30 Belgrade
Market drugs in Serbia - How to ensure a regular supply
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05.06.2012. 10:00
LOGISTICS IN SERBIA - The Supply Chain - a Great Resource for Business Improvement
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27.04.2012. 10:00 Belgrade
Foreign Direct Investments in Serbia 2001 - 2011
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05.04.2012. 09:00 Belgrade
Serbian agriculture – exporting possibilities and supply of domestic market
read moreWhen it comes to the agrarian policy of Serbia, we can say that with a disappearance of former Yougoslavia large market, the disappearance of the organisations based on cooperative principles, so as with disappearance of big foreign trade enterprises that were operating with big contracts and exporting, has disappeared and organized Serbian export in agriculture.
29.02.2012. 10:00 Belgrade
GREEN SERBIA - Environmental protection – Challenge for Serbia
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14.02.2012. 10:00 Belgrade
Education and Employment
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05.02.2012. 10:00 Belgrade
The quality of textbooks for primary and secondary schools - among the profession and the market
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